Sunday, January 1, 2012


This past week, I was able to spend about 5 days with about 900 other believers in Asheville, NC at a conference called "Faithwalkers". This truly was one of the greatest experiences I have ever had the pleasure of being part of. During this time I was blessed with the teachings of numerous pastors from across the eastern United States. These men were able to speak words of such great wisdom into my life, and I am truly thankful for them. During this time I also felt convicted about many aspects of my life. One of the main things I learned was that prayer and time in the word was not a "every now and then" thing; it is an all day, everyday thing. One of the teachings really spoke on this in a way that hit home with me, Pastor Tom Short compared life to a balloon. He demonstrated how if you only fill up the balloon part of the way, it is easily molded by outside forces (similar to us). But if you fill it all the way up (with prayer, Bible reading, and community) its not not as easy to twist it all up. This really showed me how in my life I need to fill up on prayer and reading so I cant be easily twisted to fit in with today's society (which is something I have been know to do). Another teaching stood out to me as well. I took a seminar called, "Where is God when I fail Him?" This has always something I had wondered. Being a 16 year old guy I tend to screw up quite often... Many times in really big ways, and I always wonder, "How does God view me now?". This seminar was groundbreaking because it answered that question I had so often asked myself. During this teaching we were told the story of Peter, and how he was so sure he would not fall away from Jesus (Matthew 26:31-34). But soon after he made this claim he denied Jesus 3 times (Matthew 26:69-75). He knew how much wrong he had done and wondered if he would be accepted again. He finally made his way back to the Lord, and Jesus tested him 3 times (John 21:15-17). After he had proved himself, Peter was made whole again. He was even appointed to teach at the first Christian church gathering where 8000 people were saved. This is a true testament of Gods love and forgiveness. Even someone like Peter who denied his mentor (the Son of God nonetheless) 3 times, was forgiven. I was also taught the 3 things God does when we fail Him.
1.) God prays for us (Luke 22:31-32)
2.) God is waiting for us to repent.
3.) God wants to restore us.
This truly was eye opening, and allowed me to see that no matter what wrongs I may do, God still loves me all the same.

Another great thing about this conference was the 24/7 community I had. I was able to grow close to people that I had never really spent time with (which was fantastic). I learned so much just by spending time with those more spiritually mature, which was truly a blessing. Lessons of love, compassion, faith, and hope were abundant during this week through them.

I also have a bunch of other random things I was thankful for! (Instead of trying to make a random paragraph I'll simply list them below)

1.) Time spent with Zac.
2.) My roommates for the week.
3.) Getting to know Sarah better.
4.) The super random 3am worship session.
5.) Solid talks with people while they were cigging.
6.) Random food runs throughout the day.
7.) The group prayer.
8.) The Awaken tie down.
9.) Gary Shook.
10.) That random coffee shop.

I honestly can't wait for next year!

Thank you God for allowing me to be able to go to Faithwalkers this year. Thank you for humbling me throughout the week and allowing me to serve. Thank you for all the good times, the things I learned, and the feelings of conviction. None of it would have been possible without you. You are a gracious God.

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