Tuesday, January 10, 2012

10 Days of prayer. Day 9- Words.

So tonight at my small group, I said somethings via twitter that I should not have. I put little to no thought into it and really hurt some people. I regret this very much. The kicker was the fact that our topic for the night was "watching your tongue. " We were going to discuss James chapter 3 which talks all about how words carry so much weight. I was able to clear everything up with my group, send but still feel pretty crappy about it. Hence the prayer that follows.

Dear Lord,
I have a big issue with watching my words, and also stopping to think about how my words will affect those around me. I just want to pray that I can learn alot from the book of James and really apply it to my life. I also want to thank you that my group was able to teach me alot tonight. I want to pray for strength and guidance so I can fix this issue Lord in a way that pleases you. You have brought me this far Lord and I have no doubt that you can help me the rest of the way as well.
In Jesus name I pray.

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