Sunday, April 22, 2012


The Lord calls us to look forward to where we want to go, but too often we only look at the places that we don't want to go (sin); knowing that we don't want to go there. This only draws us to our sin even more. Think about how a person that is on a diet, constantly thinks about all the food that they cant eat. This seemingly harmless act really ends up being destructive. It just makes them want that food even more.
Our focus should be on the good news of salvation, not our sins. We should take comfort in knowing that through our faith and through the death of Christ, we are forgiven, and therefore all our sins is paid for.
Do not dwell on what is already done.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


So its going to irritate me to death till I can figure out where I heard it, but a couple days ago, I heard the line, "Pray until your mouth bleeds". My initial reaction was one of surprise. I was confused by the statement, and what it really meant. As a few days passed, it really dawned on me what the deep meaning behind those 5 little words was.

In today's society, and more specifically the Christian faith, prayer is not what it used to be. Look back 50 years ago where the average Christian family would not even think about touching their food before a prayer thanking God was said. Now a days, prayer often falls to the wayside, excuses like, "I'm too busy" and "Its not necessary" are common speak. But the Lord desires, and more importantly deserves all of the praise and glory we can give him. If not for him, we wouldn't even be alive. But because we are sinners we often forget that.

What "Praying until our mouths bleed" means is that we as Believers need to pray none stop. We need to pray even when it is hard. We must pray even when it hurts us to do so. We need to pray when we are thankful, when we are sad, when we are angry, and any time in between. 

1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to "Pray without ceasing." and if you really think about it, that's not to far off from the whole mouth bleeding thing... We as a Christian culture need to get back into that mentality of praying all the time. The Lord deserves nothing less.